Founded in 1969 by Cesare Ratti, our...

The Real Daino is querried...

The various phases ok working process...

Our continuous innovation diversifies...

Flip through the catalog of the RATTI...

Deep knowledge of the materials,...

Ratti is present in all major world...


Via Maremmana Inf.re Km 31.920 - 00012 Villanova di Guidonia - Roma (Italy)
phone +39 0774.325178 - 528277  - e-mail info@grupporatti.it

RATTI since 1969

intheworldFounded in 1969 by Cesare Ratti, our company became successfully part of the market in the manufacture of the Roman Travertine.


A deep knowledge of the materials and the necessity of characterizing the production, brought Leandro and Ivo to acquire quarries of marble and granite in Orosei (NU) and to modernize the factory in Villanova di Guidonia (RM) with high technological machinery able to do huge masses of work.

This chice enables us to guarantee our products under any aspect, being certain of the high quality of the selected materials and sure of the working process which is conducted with extreme competence and care in every single phase.



  • Daino Reale
  • Travertino
  • Altro
dainoreale-chiaroclassicoDaino Reale
Chiaro classico
dainoreale-cremaDaino Reale
Crema Oriente
dainoreale-bronzettoDaino Reale
dainoreale-venatoAADaino Reale
Venato tipo AA
dainoreale-venatoADaino Reale
Venato tipo A
dainoreale-venatoB Daino Reale
Venato tipo B
dainoreale-nuvolatoAADaino Reale
Nuvolato tipo AA
dainoreale-nuvolatoADaino Reale
Nuvolato tipo A
dainoreale-nuvolatoB Daino Reale
Nuvolato tipo B
dainoreale-trasvAADaino Reale
Trasversale tipo AA
dainoreale-trasvBDaino Reale
trasversale tipo B
travertinoromano-navonainfaldaTravertino romano
tipo Navona in falda
travertinoromano-navonacontrofaldaTravertino romano
tipo Navona contro falda
travertinoromano-clasiccoinfaldaTravertino romano
Classico in falda
travertinoromano-classicocontrofaldaTravertino romano
Classico contro falda
travertinoromano-classicocontrofaldaFTravertino romano
Classico contro falda Tipo F
travertinoromano-trevicontrofaldaTravertino romano
tipo Trevi contro falda
travertinoromano-nocecontrofaldaTravertino romano
tipo Noce contro falda

marronMarrón Emperador 

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